Wednesday, January 14, 2009

so tired...

I'm just gonna vent here for a minute...

I'm tired of being disappointed

I'm tired of having expectations fail

I'm tired of having to watch things change and not be able to do anything about it

I'm tired of feeling unwanted

and I'm tired of crying about all of the above.

I'm trusting God... and I know He will provide. He did when I was in a similiar situation last year and has never failed me yet. So I know He is good and in control. And I know He will give me strength for the semester. And I know He doesn't give me more than I can handle... but I just really wish He didn't trust me so much.

Last semester was just... ROUGH. and i just really wanted to start fresh coming back into the new semester. Yet here I am being thrown another situation where now my housing has fallen apart for next year. No one i know still needs housing. All my friends are leaving, and I was getting so excited about living with these 3 awesome girls, and now 2 of them can't.

You ever just want to ask God, "Why?"

That's really all I can think to ask Him right now.

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