Sunday, January 18, 2009

Coming "home"...

So this past week I have finally gotten back to putting my priorities in order... I have started reading my Bible every morning. And last week I read through Galatians. I have never read through this book before. It's a short book of a mere 6 chapters. However, the content in this book was something that I definitely needed to read and apply to my life. The whole book, Paul is pleading with the Galatians to realize that they no longer are forced to live under the law. They have been "crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me." (Gal 2:20). These people are so worried about not keeping the law that they have forgotten that God's grace has been poured out on them that they now don't need to worry about 'doing enough good.' They don't have to hold these ridiculously high standards for themselves; they don't have the pressure of doing everything right. They are free. Because Christ has freed them through His death and ressurection.


This was such a good book for me to read. To be reminded of God's grace to me. I don't have to "be good enough" or "be kind enough" or "do everything right for every person and problem. It's such a freeing thing. Now I'm not saying that that means we are to just not care about doing good; of course we are. but the pressure to do everything right is no longer there. We have Christ. Period.

Coming back to school after such a wonderful break was initially very difficult for me... for different reasons. However, finally coming back to my "first love" and putting my all into my relationship with Him has been quite the blessing that I've needed. and wanted. and have been desiring. Coming back to Christ and letting Him be my first and most important priority is such an amazing feeling. It's truly like coming home.

And it's so good to be back.

1 comment:

katie said...

aw stacy i love you :)