Wednesday, September 2, 2009

oh 3rd grade

So yesterday was my first day at Battle Academy for my fall block placement. I found out the day before that I would be with 3rd grade every Tues and Thurs for the fall semester. And I have to admit that at first, I wasn't thrilled about my grade level. I have always worked with little kids and never EVER thought I would want to even consider teaching anything above 2nd... but low and behold - God put me in 3rd and completely changed my mind.

Battle is 75% black, 23% white and 2% other. I love that this school is so diverse! The kids are so sweet, the class sizes are small and the teachers are so good at their jobs. The first day I mainly observed and walked around and helped kids when they needed it. Soon I will be having to teach a writing lesson and i'm actually really excited about it.

One thing that being in a public school again after 4 years and also now coming into it as 'teacher' rather than 'student,' has shown me, is just how hard yet so amazing it will be to be a Christian teacher in a public school. The public schools are so full of people who desperately need to be shown the love of Christ. And somehow, for whatever reason, I feel that God is calling me to do just that. It's an incredibly humbling experience to know that I can somehow, as long as it is Jesus speaking through me, share His love with others and make a difference with my future students. It's such an exciting opportunity and I can't wait to see how I learn and grow this semester as a teacher.

1 comment:

Joan said...

I'm teaching 3rd this year, after 2nd last year. I love it! They can do so much by themselves and actually get my jokes. Enjoy!