Monday, September 7, 2009


Do you ever just sit back and think about your life and this feeling of thankfulness just fills you up? As I sit here, thinking about the people that have influenced me, prayed for me, been there for me through everything good or bad, as I think about just the gift of salvation that is mine that I so often take for granted, and all the Lord has done for me, I am overwhelmed with thankfulness.

This year is so amazing and I've only been here 3 weeks. It's so nice when you see God's purposes unfold, especially in the things that were really hard and you had no idea why they were happening. And then to see the blessings that come out of those hard or questioning times - it's wonderful. Such a reminder of God's goodness and grace.

I'm so thankful for my friends. I'm so thankful for my Savior. I'm so thankful and honored that God has called me to be a teacher. I'm thankful for answered prayers - prayers that were answered God's way, and not necessarily my own. I'm thankful for His faithfulness in my life. And I'm thankful that He's constantly providing for me, loving me, and taking care of me.

I am so undeserving of His love. But forever grateful for it.

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