Saturday, September 12, 2009


"Don't wait to forgive until you feel emotionally healed from the wound; instead, CHOOSE to forgive and let God begin the process of true healing in your life."

I came across this quote last night at the place I was babysitting... and it totally struck me. Forgiveness is a choice... not one you make based on how you feel, or based on if you're over the hurt you've experienced. It's a choice you make because that's what God calls us to do - to forgive, and to love. Even when it's hard. Even when it seems impossible. You do it because Jesus forgave us. Loved us. Even when we turned our backs on Him and denied Him. And lived life our own way. He still forgave.

And when we choose to forgive, God will not only heal our hearts, but He will transform us into the likeness of His Son even more.

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