Sunday, March 22, 2009

the home stretch!

Well, the sun is shining, drawing everyone from their cold dorm rooms to the beautiful outside. People on the grass, on blankets, in hammocks, reading, listening to music, fellowshipping with one another enjoying God's creation. It's my favorite time of the school year. i love fall with the colors, and i love winter when we have snow... but spring, spring is my absolute favorite. The talk of summer plans is in conversations among friends, and everyone's counting down the days until the tests, the projects, the late night studying sessions are over. For me, I really try spending time with friends before summer gets here, and I don't see them for 3-4 months. I have been completely blessed with people God has plopped in my life. As much as I have to get done, and as easy as it is for me to sometimes freak out thinking about everything I have on my plate... I'm surprisingly calm, and trusting that I will get it all done. There's just something about the warm weather, the talk of summer, the fun times with friends at the end of the year that just makes me so happy.

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