Friday, March 6, 2009

'Do not mistake God's silence for His absence.'

This is a quote from my pastor at school... and it has been such a wonderful one to constantly refer back to when it seems like God isn't listening.

I definitely have felt at times that God has been silent this semester... and that He just wasn't listening. I have been wanting so much to have reminders that He is faithful no matter what is going on around me. And the past 2 nights have been wonderful and exciting; God who is rich in mercy and love for me, has been reminding me that yes, He is faithful, even if things seem to be a mess!

Last night, we had the education dinner with all the juniors and seniors, as well as recruitors from ALL different schools from ALL over the world! I found out that you can actually do your second 9 week student teaching placement overseas... and me and a friend of mine both want to go to. . . ETHIOPIA! haha, i know, crazy! But I have always wanted to go to Africa for as long as I can remember. Not only would I get to student teach and live there for 9 weeks, but outside of school I could volunteer in orphanages, help AIDS victims, have Bible clubs with street children - um hello, right up my alley!

Then tonight, I got an email about this once in a lifetime opportunity to be a full time nanny to a precious little 3 year old boy recently diagnosed with autism. I am hoping to find out more about it on Monday and see if I can get this job! I mean, this is exactly what I would want to do! Full time experience on what it is like to be with a child who has special needs.

God is doing awesome things right now. And while not everything may make sense and not everything is a bed of roses all the time, He is still showing me that He is faithful - He knows the desires of my heart and is continuing to bless me, even though I have such little faith in Him. Our God is so awesome and I am continually learning what it means to truly follow after Him, to take up my cross daily and say, 'Lord, YOUR will be done. Not mine.' Those words are probably the hardest words we could pray, because it is showing God that He is free to do whatever it is HE wants, whether it's what you want or not! (not that He wouldn't do it anyway, but you get my point.) God has given me 2 amazing opportunites to serve Him in different ways, and I feel so ... honored. and just undeservingly blessed.

OH. and I'm home! Finally home after a long 2 months of school - sitting here in my own bed, in my town, with my friends, in the place I feel most myself and the most joy.

It's been a really great couple of days.

1 comment:

katie said...

ethiopia???? do it girl!!!!! :)