Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Pretty much anyone who knows me, knows that change is not a word that I am a big fan of. It takes me a while to see change as having the possibility to be a positive thing. Although sometimes, change just stinks all the way around and there's nothing you can do about it. Me and 2 girls... my closest friends at school... are going on a roadtrip after graduation. Awesome right?! Yes and no. I've been wondering recently why I wasn't more excited about it every time someone mentioned it. And I've finally figured out that it's because they are seniors. and the road trip marks our last 'hurrah' so to speak, before they leave, and i stay at school for another year. I get teary-eyed just typing it. One girl I have known/became best friends with the end of my freshman year. And the other one is my roommate. Every day is filled with laughter to the point of tears, little nightly traditions, and Friday night pizza. As much as they are excited to graduate, (and yes i am excited for them!) I almost in a way, don't want the roadtrip to be here. Because I know it will mark a huge change in my life here at school. I know it will be SO fun and we have plenty of time before it comes, but I think that's why I hadn't been feeling as excited as the others. I need to constantly be reminded that God has not just put these girls in my life temporarily, because I truly believe that these are friends for life. And I know our friendships will continue to grow way after they leave in May. But it will be weird not running to them first thing when something happens, or going to them first when I'm upset, or have exciting news to share. Granted, they'll be the first ones I call...but it's not the same.

But while change can sometimes be scary, God is a God of consistency, One who never changes no matter what situations around me may change. And so I will cling to the hope that I have in Christ, and enjoy each day that I have with these girls and others who are leaving. As much as it stinks being sad about graduation, it reminds me of how blessed I am. How blessed I am to have friends that mean so much to me, that thinking about Covenant without them is such a sad thought.

Anyway, you girls are probably the only ones who ever read this.

So know that I love you both, and am so grateful to call you my friends. <3

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