Sunday, February 28, 2010


Tonight I went to a praise and prayer night at Calvary Chapel with my roommate Lauren. It was an amazing 2 hours and I could truly sense God there with us. We prayed for lots of things - Haiti, families in the church dealing with cancer, missions trips going out soon, and I prayed for people that I know do not know Christ.

When I think of these 5 people and how much they mean to me, how much I care about them, my heart literally hurts at the fact that they don't have the same hope, joy, peace and comfort that I do because Jesus is not yet their Savior. Key word... yet. I have to believe - and I do believe, that prayer is powerful. I pray for these people all the time, and I can't give up doing so. I hope and pray that my life is an example of what it means to follow the Lord with all your heart.

We started the evening by singing, "Enough." The lyrics say

'And all of You is more than enough for
All of me
For every thirst and
Ever need
You satisfy me
with your love
and all I have in You
is MORE than enough.'

The Lord is MORE than enough for me - I have everything I need. He has been teaching me so much recently, that He is all I need, that He will provide, that His timing is 100% perfect. I am relying on the Lord for a job, for a job for my dad, for Him to bring back a friend who has turned away from Him... all these things, things that are out of my control - I am daily laying them at the cross. These things along with the fact that I can't change hearts. I can't MAKE someone choose to accept Christ. My job is to show them Who He is by how I live my life. Daily giving these things to Him at His feet and trusting that He will take care of them - that is what He has been teaching me recently.

He is good. All the time.

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