Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sunsets and Teaching

So today was day #3 for student teaching. It was a good day.

I have memorized all 55 or so students' names and have been getting to know them better.

Tomorrow is Friday and we are having a pep rally. Teachers get to wear jeans and sneakers.

I get to actually start teaching on Tuesday.

We have a 3 day weekend thanks to Martin Luther King Day.

I got to see all 16 of my education friends today in our seminar class - we've missed each other a lot! You would have thought we hadn't seen each other in years.

A friend came over for dinner and we got to talk - of course it was all about our new students :)

And then on the way home from class, I saw the most beautiful sunset. And I was reminded that God has everything, my life, my dad's job, everything... in the palm of His hand. He gave me peace in that moment, and I was shown that the same God who puts the colors in the sky each day, will take care of me and my family. There's no reason to worry or fear.

It was a good day.

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