Wednesday, December 30, 2009


2009 is coming to an end... i can't believe it. It's almost 2am and i am sitting here, pondering on all that has happened and changed in my life the past year. Friendships have ended and started. Lessons have been learned, some in harder ways than others. There have been moments where I thought I'd never get everything done for Fall Block! And now moving on to 2010, graduation year, there are so many unknowns. Is this my last break being at home in jersey? Will dad get a job that will require them to relocate? (I just hope he gets one soon!) What about these friendships that I have here? Will I get a teaching job and be able to stay in Chattanooga? Will student teaching go well?

There are so many questions and SO much change coming up that I quite honestly don't like to think about it too much, because change has always been scary for me. Usually the process of change is one that is hard because there's that fear; fear of the unknown. Fear of not being in control. Fear that God somehow doesn't know best, like He says He does. But that's faith. Faith in God is putting your trust and heart into the hands of someone you can't see. Faith is being certain that amidst all the change happening, that God will be your constant. And so that is what I'm clinging to in this upcoming year. Faith that my God will provide. Faith that my God will meet all my and my family's needs.

Faith that my God is exactly Who He says He is.

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