Saturday, April 4, 2009

sleepless nights...

So, I'm laying here in bed...exhausted...and it's 2:39am. Still awake.

I hate these nights. Every now and then I go through these spurts of sleeplessness and let me tell you... it's awful! My mind tends to wander and once it starts thinking about whatever it is it is thinking about, it's sooo hard to make it stop. That's usually why I can't sleep. I just think, think, think. And yet it is a struggle just to keep my eyes open at the moment.

I'm tired of thinking. I just want to go to sleep.


Jill said...

don't wait too long to pop out the meds.

they'll help

stace-face said...

lol! i took one at 3am :) totally knocked me out til 11:15 and we had to leave to see the house at 11:50 haha! miss you.