Sunday, November 9, 2008

Some things I've learned...

  • I love my education classes
  • I love the prospect of living off campus next year
  • The fall weather makes me see the glory of God in big ways
  • I love my church here at school
  • Helping my special education kids every Wednesday gives me a sense of purpose and joy
  • That I have the best friends in the entire world.
  • It's ok to say how you feel
  • I have people here at school who love me; regardless of how impossible I may act, sappy I may be, or mistakes I may make. They love me. Period.
  • I am so undeserving of that
  • God answers prayer in huge ways
  • He will provide me with what/who I need
  • He has used friends in my life to show and remind me of Who my Savior is
  • That it is important to value each and every day and not to wish this year away
  • This is a year that will have many, "I don't want them to leave!" moments.
  • That even though there will be many of those moments, these couple friends that I have will be my friends always; I need them in my life and next year even when they aren't here, I am comforted, because I can rest in the fact that distance doesn't matter.
  • I am a big fan of "sit-down" hugs
  • I am blessed

1 comment:

katie said...

stacy :)
i just wanted to say sorry for being so distant all the sudden! things got so busy! but i love you and i'm so happy for everything that God's doing in your life. you're beautiful <3