Friday, June 25, 2010

The Beauty of A Promise

About a week ago or so, I was outside walking with my friend at this outdoor concert in Chattanooga. We were walking and all of a sudden it started to rain... which it seems like it has been doing EVERY day this summer! The clouds were dark and it looked pretty bad...but after about 15 mintues or so, I look up, and see this gorgeous rainbow spreading across the sky!

I have always loved seeing rainbows. And one thing that I love, probably the thing I love the most... is that they are so full of beauty...and yet they always come after the rain. God used the rainbow as a sign, as a reminder, that He is faithful and He is good. And I think it's no mistake, that He reminds us of this after a storm comes. He uses a rainbow after the storm, to remind us, that the difficult times in our lives, will not go on forever, they will eventually end and beauty will come. Some storms are rather difficult and last a long time, while others, though hard to bear, only last a little while. But no matter what the storm or trial or test we are having to go through... a rainbow will always come. God will always show up. He will bring beauty from pain and will pick up the brokenness of our lives and make us whole again. He is good.

So be encouraged my friends, that no matter what storm in life we are facing... that our Savior promises the rain will end, and the rainbow will come. We will be able to look at our lives and see that He has been faithful, that He has never left our side, and that we are actually stronger now because of the storms we have faced.

Keep searching for the "rainbow" admist the clouds... you will see it eventually. And may that promise of His faithfulness draw you ever closer to Him, and may He receive glory that He is due. For our God is a God that is beyond our understanding... and yet He is a God that wants to know each one of us so intimately. He knows what He is doing with our lives... so let's trust Him... through the rain, through the clouds, and through the beauty of His promise in the rainbow.

1 comment:

Lauren H. said...

Thank you for posting this my dear. I needed to hear it. I cannot wait to see your beautiful face next weekend!!