Cleaning Day is approaching. Tomorrow to be exact. My drawers and desk are packed. My shelves went from being stuffed with books to only a couple left that I need for my last 2 finals. I only have a week's worth of clothes left in my dresser. All the pictures on the walls have been taken down and are packed away.
I have a love/hate relationship with this time of year. I love it in that finally, the tests/papers/projects/late nights with no sleep are done, I can be home with my family and friends that I'm never able to see throughout the year, it's warm and you can go to the beach, it's my favorite time of year.
But it's also my least favorite. I have to say good-bye to so many people. This year in particular, I have so many close friends who are graduating. I am more than happy for them, but sad for me, in that I won't have the priviledge of getting to see them each day. It's such a strange feeling. I don't think it has fully hit me yet what that means... but each day that gets closer, it becomes more of a reality for me.
I'm excited for the summer. But mostly right now, I am sad. There are many that I will miss...many that I have such wonderful memories with. I don't want to say good-bye. I hate that feeling. That knot in your stomach that just knows you're gonna have to do something soon that you don't want to do.
And now I'm a big crying mess. Guess it's time to end this one for now...
...and savor these last 7 days.
13 years ago
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