Sunday, March 21, 2010

You Are Still God

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
And I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship!

We sang this song in church this morning... and it has quickly become one of my favorites. When I sit back and really take in what this song means, I can't help but share. In ALL of my life... no matter what is going on... In EVERY season; good, bad, hard, wonderful, exciting, or scary... Dad not having a job, me not knowing at all what next year will look like, friends leaving after graduation...EVERY season. Whatever the season is, He is still God! He is still the God that wakes me up every morning, the same God that I turn to when life is great, the same God that I know I can trust with my whole being. Whatever season we're in, we still have a reason to sing and worship Him!!

Why? Because we are HIS. Because we were lost and now are found. Because He is bigger than our problems and our worries and even though we rarely know what's going on - HE does. And we can rest in that. We have a reason to sing because of Who He is and because of who we now are in Him.

When we truly know and understand these truths, that is how we are able to sing in the darkest of times. That is how we are able to worship Him when we are utterly confused. When we finally realize we have no control over our lives and are able to see that that is OK because we can trust His plans for us, even if we can't see them - we have a reason to worship our amazing God. We have many, many reasons to sing.

We have an incredible God who has given us life. Who has allowed us to live in light rather than the darkness that we once lived in.

Let's worship Him in every season, for all of our lives.

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