Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Very soon...

My best is coming up from SC to stay with me Thursday to Monday!! It's a short visit but we are both so excited! Our schedules have been so crazy that we have only been able to talk on the phone a mere two times. (so not good enough!) But this long weekend we will get to see each other, relax, catch up on life, take pics, and she will get to see and understand another piece of me, because she will get to see my home, where I grew up; my life outside of Covenant College.

I'm so excited for this year to start. (as well as totally scared/nervous ha). This year is going to be way different than the last ones and I'm really looking forward to it.

Senior year.
Best friend in a house.
Soccer games.
Tennis lessons.
Lesson plans.

All these things are things that I am so looking forward to about this year. I'm going to savor every moment and try my best not to waste any time that I have left. I'm so ready to go...

...after this long weekend anyway ;)

1 comment:

katie said...

aw you're gonna have so much fun! i wanna meet her :)
and i totally know what you mean about being excited for this year...i'm so ready for school to start! i'm so excited for it this year haha i don't even know why!