Tuesday, May 5, 2009

joy, excitement, tears

The school year is almost done. One more final tmrw and I will officially be a senior in college...how did that happen?! I'm so excited for the summer and the near future. Next year with fall block, friends getting engaged, student teaching, thinking about applying for teaching jobs here in this area... so much to look forward to. EVERYTHING is up in the air, and normally I hate that, but it's also exciting just waiting and seeing where God's going to take me.

But tomorrow, the good-byes start. And that I am NOT looking forward to. Tomorrow is Katie, then the next few days more and more friends will start leaving. I've never been good with good-byes... it's so hard in college; you get used to seeing these people everyday. Your friends in college become literally like your family. They see you through everything. Good times, sad times, times of joy, or sadness, proud moments, disappointing moments. I have some of the greatest friends here. And I have been blessed beyond measure.

And I hate how one of those blessings is leaving tomorrow. :(

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