I've heard a lot about the home lives of my students. It is truly heartbreaking. However today, it hit me more than it had before. And I think the reason for it, is because today, I heard it from the mouth of one of my students; not my teacher. She was saying how her parents split up. And that unlike a lot of other people, she doesn't get to live with her mama. She hasn't seen her since she was 4. They had a fun day of shopping and eating, and then... that was it. She looked like she was about to cry - and so was I! I literally was silently praying that I wouldn't get visibly upset. And so today I decided that I was going to commit to praying for a couple students of mine a week. I don't know all the stories, but whether they're good or bad, I'm going to pray for each one.
Then today I heard this song at the gym... THIS is truly my prayer for them.
Oh Lord I come with heart here open,
For in my hour of darkness I’m in need.
Seeking the joy of love unspoken
Oh Lord, be Thou near to me.
And the holy voices sing “Hallelu!”
Ever will Thy reign be.
As I wander through this life,
Oh Lord, be Thou near to me.
Though In this burden of my making
Yet in the shadows still a light I see
Maker whose love is not forsaking
Oh Lord, be thou near to me
And the holy voices sing “Hallelu!”
Ever will Thy reign be.
As I wander through this life,
Oh Lord, be Thou near to me.
Lord, be with these students. "Be Thou near to them" and their families. Give them strength. And God, use me in whatever way you see fit, to shine Your light in their lives. Even if it is just a glimpse in the big picture, may they see You, and not me.
Thank you, for giving me the desire to teach. I can think of nothing else I'd rather do.
13 years ago